Friday, May 1, 2009

The Frightening Truth About the Internet

So I am sure we have all had those times where we felt that we have looked one too many times at someone's profile or updates. Be it on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or any number of social networking sites. New sites seem to be popping up faster than you can "update your status" on the first.

The question comes to me now and then...who might be "cyberstalking" me?

We put out all of this personal information to keep in touch with friends and family and maybe even connect with a few strangers, but what about the people who are lurking on our profiles with no good intentions?

I heard the other day that child pornographers have been busted with children's photos even as young as infants and toddlers that were downloaded from the internet for their sexual pleasure. Just the thought of some total creep saving a photo of my innocent 5 month old for anything other than thinking he is adorable gives me chills.

With our entire lives posted on the internet for all to see do we really stop to think about who might be accesssing it?


  1. That's a good question. My kids' computer is in the living room, so I can see everything going on. Also, Windows has a parental control thing where it emails you everything your kids have done. Who they email, who emails them back. It will deny access to any email NOT from an address you enter. But who the heck knows what they do at school?!

  2. Oh, and your son IS adorable!!! I just LOVE his little face. :)
