Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where you born in a barn and raised by a pig?

I am so sick of hearing about the "swine flu" and people's stupid questions regarding it. Seriously it is quite simple

1. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
2. Wash your hands...and this doesn't mean a quick rinse...wash with soap and water for 20 seconds! Sing the "happy birthday" song and THAT is how long you should be washing your hands. And not just against the Swine Flu...people that is gross if you leave the bathroom without sudsing up!
3. If someone is hacking and sneezing around you make your distance
4. If you are sick STAY HOME and DO NOT go the the Dr/ER call them to find out if they WANT you in their office possibly infecting more people
5. Keep your hands out of your mouth, nose, and eyes...that is how the virus on your hands enters your body.
6. You CAN eat pork...it has NOTHING to do with the meat.
7. If you get the Swine Flu you are NOT going to die...most people have had mild flu symptoms
8. You do NOT have to stay locked up in your house and cut yourself off from the entire world...just follow the guidelines above

The sad thing is that people have to be TOLD to do things like "wash your hands" and "cover your mouth" when these are simple things that we should be doing regardless of any outbreak of disease. Maybe this whole thing will will cause good basic behaviors that we were all taught as children to become a habit and hopefully we will see less people leaving the bathroom stall to walk past the sink and straight out the door...EW!

1 comment:

  1. Im so with you on this. Tired of hearing it and done with the media freakin everone out about it. Its so tired. Still not as bad as the O.J. thing was though.

    You better get in on Vlogemotions at The Fort or Im gonna be really sad. :(

    Love and Prayers,

