Thursday, May 21, 2009

Vlogemotions May 21st

If you would like to get involved with the Vlogemotions carnival please go check out Fort Thompson for the info and to post your link
Here is my 3rd Vlog and I got my new mini laptop that was my wonderful Mother's Day gift from my dear husband and I was having fun with the editing software...I will probably get more and more rediculous as the weeks go on with the editing... well enjoy!


  1. congrats on making the bday party so special for the doc! i know he appreciated it so much.
    praying you get the fleas taken care of...
    my great neice katie goes in for her 3rd chd surgery in june (fontan i believe)

  2. That is such a sweet story about the doctor!

    Ewwww, fleas are a pain! I hope you can get rid of them quickly.

    Have a great evening!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful birthday for you baby's doctor. I watched the video of you all singing to touching!

    Hope the fleas take a hike and move somewhere else!

    I'm uploading my vlog now. If you decide to check it out, wait until later! :o)

  4. Honestly, there is NOTHING worse than fleas. NOTHING.

    And I think that birthday party is the sweetest thing, ever!

  5. Happy Birthday Doc! And thank you for what you have done for our little Carter!

    Great Vlog-Emo from you again Megan! How exciting a time that must have been to honor someone who has been so instrumental in helping Carter! I would have ad tears too as it gave me chills just listening to you talk about it.

    Love and Prayers,


  6. That is awesome (the doc party, not the fleas)! It must be such a great feeling to toast the man that helped heal your baby. I hope you get rid of the fleas soon. It is terrible to get flea bites. Yikes!

  7. Loved the birthday story! Now, the fleas...that's something I could do without...yucko! Great job on your vlog!
